Job Detail
Job ID 193120
Job Description
I would like to incorporate an addon for subscription memberships into the CS-Cart e-commerce script. When a customer purchases predefined subscription packages for specific durations such as “1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 24 months,” before confirming the order, an area for entering subscription details such as subscription full link, login URL, username, and password will be available for the admin to input. These details will then be visible in the customer's order information, and the expiration dates of the packages will be displayed, along with a countdown timer. Additionally, if a customer purchases multiple subscriptions in one order, the area for entering subscription details can be dynamically increased in bulk (multiple inputs).
Automatic reminder emails will be sent to customers 72 hours before their subscription expires, providing a reminder of the impending expiration date and including the active URLs of the site and the expiring order. If the admin updates the subscription details at any point, such as the subscription full link, login URL, username, or password, these changes will also reflect in the customer's order information. The countdown timer for the expiration date will commence from the moment the link is added.
Furthermore, this addon will allow intervention in products to be added or already created products by creating a tab to select whether the product is a Physical or Digital Subscription. If the product is a Digital Subscription, two additional fields will be created:
– Subscription Duration: Numeric input (e.g., 3)
– Duration Unit: Selection options such as Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year
Based on this information, when a package sale is made and the required “subscription full link, login URL, username, and password” are entered and saved, a countdown will commence from the specified duration until the target date.
The requirements for the CS-Cart extension are detailed as follows:
1. Definition of subscription packages in the admin panel:
– Different durations (1 week, 1 month, etc.) will be available for packages.
– Each package will have a name and duration assigned.
2. Addition of “Subscription Type” field on the product creation/editing page. Options include:
– Physical Product
– Digital Subscription
3. For products selected as Digital Subscriptions, two additional fields will be added:
– Subscription Duration: Numeric entry
– Duration Unit: Options include Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year
4. On the order page, previously defined subscription packages can be selected, and multiple packages can be added.
– For each package:
– Subscription Link
– Username
– Password
– Expiration date (automatic)
5. After order confirmation, subscription details will be displayed to the customer, including a countdown to the expiration date.
6. Customers will receive a notification email 72 hours before their subscription expires.
7. Admins can update subscription details, and these changes will be reflected in the order.
8. Duration and countdown for digital subscription products will be calculated based on subscription periods.
This approach will ensure the necessary functionality for both subscription packages and digital subscription products. I hope I have explained it in detail.
Project ID: #37758605
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